Another Night with the Same View

Eric's here at MCR for another night, but should be discharged tomorrow. We haven't heard much about the cultures or their results, but he did kick the fever.... And of course, that's a good thing. They want to keep him here just to make sure that fever doesn't return. The echo cardiogram results freaked us out. The cardiologist that read and reported on the echo stated that Eric's valve has "moderate regurgitation". Eric's repair in Cleveland brought him from "severe" regurgitation to "trace-mild" regurgitation. Our immediate fear from this information is that the repair is failing. Still, we know that this report came from one cardiologist's interpretation. The results were concerning enough, that a transesophageal ecocardiogram test or "TEE" was ordered. Eric's had this one he kinda knew what to expect. They stick a big ol wand with a camera down your esophagus with a whole bunch of Versed (to...