End of Day 3
I got M&M on their way back to Colorado. They will be in the care of my parents until Eric and I get home a week from now. Thank you to them!
Eric is doing better. He's tube free and has been up a few times today. He's mostly just uncomfortable.... Sweaty (typical and no fever), nauseous, experiencing some vision patchiness and fuzziness and experiencing some pain.
I'm passing along all the well wishes. He has his phone, but looking at it makes him feel crazy. He'll get there....until then, you might have to put up with my silly posts.
Yay for being tube free!!!!!!! We are so glad that your parents are able to help with the girls. Tell Eric he looks great for just having major surgery!!! I love your posts and how you are keeping us in the loop! We've been so worried and wish we were closer to be of support too! Xoxo