Tacos and Tequila

I'll pick up where Amber left off the other day.

Remember that part about how the catheterization went really well on Thursday, with no blockages or complications? The procedure itself went great, but...apparently tequila and a shitload of tacos a few hours afterwards is no bueno. I felt really good that evening so we ventured out. I guess I had a little "episode". Had to be those damn tacos! They just must not mix well with Fentanyl, Versed, and contrast. Or maybe it had something to do with that puncture wound in my groin that was no longer numb?

Needless to say, I kind of freaked everyone out. I think they were most freaked out that I would sit down on the Cleveland streets. If only I had a cup and a few starter coins I could have paid for our Uber home. Really though, I think I just pushed it a little too soon, but all is well now.

We finished up all the pre-op appointments Friday. They were all non-invasive and easy. We got to meet the surgeon for the first time. That short meeting absolutely reassured us in our decision to travel here for the surgery. If he's not successful with this surgery, I doubt anyone would be.

After the appointments Friday we made our way downtown. A trip to Cleveland isn't complete without a stop at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; especially the same year one of our favs, Pearl Jam, was inducted. If you like music even a little bit, we highly recommend it. We capped it off with dinner at Mama Santas Pizzeria in Little Italy. It was delicious, and don't worry, I stayed away from tacos!

Another must while in the Cleveland area is Cedar Point, in nearby Sandusky. We made the trek today. If you've never heard of it, it's one of the best amusement parks in the country, especially for roller coaster enthusiasts. I mean, why wouldn't we ride roller coasters two days before open heart surgery? It was an amazing place. Definitely the best coasters we've experienced in one place. Below is a video of Kenzo on "Top Thrill Dragster". I used the little heart thing as an excuse to stay back on this one.

Tomorrow we get to hang out with a good old friend from Jr High/High School and her family. Its been great to know a local! Tania has been a fantastic tour guide for us and we haven't even seen her yet. We're really looking forward to chilling out a little before "D-day".

Never thought I'd say this, but let it be known that Cleveland Ohio is a cool place. I really think people should know that, as it can get a bad rap sometimes. Just wanted to get that off my chest in case my cold heart doesn't fire back up after the surgery. The Browns still totally suck though! It's too bad it takes these sorts of events to experience places we may not normally choose to. The food has been great and the people even better. Foregoing the rental car and instead Ubering and Lyfting our way around the city has been so much fun. We've learned so much about the area from the most flavorful personalities. 

The vacation portion of this trip will officially be over after tomorrow. The surgery is set for Monday, the 3rd. We report bright and early at 5:15 AM for a 7:30ish surgery. This will probably be my last post for a little while. Amber will be taking the helm at least the first few days in the hospital. That'll be the time to stop worrying about me and start worrying about her having to take care of whiny me. I'm beyond lucky to have her!

The support has been absolutely amazing. We thank you all so much for the overwhelming outpouring of well wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts. We're in the most amazing place and are continually reassured of why we made this long journey to come here. Look for Amber's updates in days to come. The comments section below each post is active so feel free to utilize it to interact if you like. Catch you all on the flip side of this thing!


  1. Welove you Eric and we'll be thinking about you. Stay away from the darn tacos for a bit! Jami and Nate

  2. We are thinking of you, Amber and the girls, sending all of our love and well wishes!!
    Amy and Ryan Stashak♡♡


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