Tube is Out and Now We're Talking
Eric had the breathing tube taken out around 6:15 pm local time. His ICU team had the girls and I wait until 7:30 to see him. They needed to get his pain managed. (Eric told me first thing, "I got mad. I wanted that tube out!") I kinda figured that was how that would go. I think his team did too, but no one can blame him..... it's super uncomfortable. He's all hooked up with his pain med pump now, so he's beginning to get the pain under control. We had shift change, and the ICU seems much more lively than this afternoon....probably due to all the patients running on a similar timeline as Eric. He's doing good and is mostly making sense! 😉
Eric and Maggs Tinman Heart
Eric and Maggs Tinman Heart
The next goal is to leave the ICU and move into the step-down unit for the remainder of his hospital recovery. Thanks to everyone for all the positive vibes, good juju, well wishes, prayers and thoughts. We feel so supported and loved!
We are so glad that all went well!!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!! Xoxoxo