Update- 9 Weeks Post Surgery

9 weeks ago today we invested in the pricey rebuild kit for my faulty heart valve. So far it's proving worthy of the extra sacrifice and trip to BelieveLand. I've been told on numerous occasions I really suck at updating this blog. This is very true and I've caved to the guilt, so here goes. It's so appreciated some have actually taken the time to follow along. As we've mentioned before, the outpouring of support has been humbling and is so very appreciated. As anticipated, recovery has been full of ups and downs. Overall, I feel so fortunate and couldn't expect to be in a better place than I am now. I've been reminded on numerous occasions to be patient with recovery, and my favorite, "listen to your body". I'm not exactly overflowing with patience and sometimes feel that if we always listened to our bodies we'd all be overweight addicted to prescription pain meds and wearing holes in our couch, or Rascal Scooter seat (think WALL-...